Personal Development through Horses

Personal Development through Horses is a powerful and fun way to nurture life skills through interaction with horses on the ground.

There is no horse-riding involved – and no experience of horses is necessary.

Personal Development through Horses is recognised globally as a powerful and experiential tool that very quickly breaks down barriers and leads to positive shifts in limiting patterns, behaviours, or beliefs.

With the help of a qualified and experienced facilitator, horses teach people in a unique, fun, exciting, and highly effective way that cuts straight to the heart of any challenge, and empowers participants to find their own answers!

The focus of all the activities during the session is firmly on the horses and how they are reacting. This takes all pressure off any individual participant, which allows the facilitators to help the individual or group recognise patterns and themes, and to relate those back to real-life situations.

Time with our horses is supported by discussions and informal conversations to create non-threatening, experiential learning opportunities for each participant.

The aim of our sessions, course, workshops and retreats is always to help you to recognise your true value and move towards your full potential.

Wellness Retreats

At our Wellness Retreats you can expect fun, hands-on exercises and activities with the herd that are specially designed to create opportunities for you to discover inner (often hidden) strengths and to identify, and work on, areas that need attention.

All activities are ground-based (no horse riding involved) and no previous horse experience is required. Equine-assisted Wellness/Personal Development Retreats are available as 1/2 day, full day or weekend options for groups and individuals.

Discussion, reflection, mindfulness and journaling will also help to guide you to recognise your own truth, deal with recurring negative thoughts or patterns and reconnect with your best self.

  • You will learn to let the horses speak to your soul.
  • Horses live in the moment – we will join them there!
  • Horses connect us to our true value and full potential in a unique and powerful way.

At Horses Connect, we facilitate that connection.

Themes include:

  • Who Am I and What Am I Doing Here?
  • Celebrating Survival
  • Now is All
  • Unleash Your Inner Alpha-Mare
  • Embracing Your Third Age with the Guidance of Horses
  • Herd Wisdom for 21st Century Living
  • Rediscovering your Unique Purpose

CONTACT US for more information or to create your own equine-assisted wellness experience.

Optional extras include:

Visits to local alternative therapists – for example Reiki, Massage, Reflexology, Cranio-Sacral Therapy etc

  • Meditation in Brigit’s Garden (Sundays only)
  • Early morning yoga
  • Walking meditation on horseback
Horse Play – Life skills through Horse Skills

The HorsePlay- Life Skills through Horse Skills program aims to empower children and teenagers to increase their physical, intellectual, emotional, mental, behavioural and social well-being through interaction with horses.


It is an Equine Assisted Learning (EAL) program that focuses on personal development. Through games and activities with the horses, this program works on building self-esteem and confidence, enhancing social and emotional skills, developing communication and teamwork. exploring problem-solving, and much more!

EAL is a highly versatile model that can be easily adapted to facilitate growth, learning and personal or professional development in a broad range of situations.

Interaction with horses is recognised globally as a powerful and experiential tool that quickly breaks down barriers and changes negative or destructive behavioural patterns.

The horses’ nonverbal communication, herd behaviour, and relationships demonstrate successful interaction as an example for human relations.

Horse PLay – Life Skills through Horse Skills offers experiential communication, team-building, problem-solving and personal growth opportunities to individuals, groups and families..

EAGALA Model Programs

EAGALA (Equine-assisted Growth and Learning Association) is a non-profit professional organisation with over 4,500 members in 50 countries.

EAGALA sets the standard of professional excellence in how horses and people work together to improve the quality of life and mental health of individuals, families and groups worldwide.

The main difference between our Horses Connect Personal Development/Wellness programs and EAGALA work is that the EAGALA facilitation team always includes a qualified and registered Mental Health Counsellor, Psychotherapist or Psychiatrist.

EAGALA therpay with horses

EAGALA model equine-assisted sessions provide a powerful intervention that quickly breaks down barriers and changes behavioural patterns. All work is ground-based – no riding involved – and no experience of horses is necessary.

Horses know when we’re grounded, focused and real. And they know immediately when we’re not – even if we don’t know it ourselves.

They are profoundly gifted reflectors of our true selves because their very survival depends on reading us right.

Suitable for individuals, families or groups.

That is why spending time with horses on the ground under the guidance of a team of certified EAGALA professionals, using the evidence-driven EAGALA model offers a safe, hands-on and immediate way to practice being honest and open to change.